Preparing for sweat battle for August vacation

lundi 20 juillet 2015

In 2 weeks I will be going to Alabama for a weekend vacation and will be outside for most of the day all 3 days. My biggest problem on this trip I take annually now is sweat. The first year was horrible. My thighs looked like they just came out of a furnace from the severe chaffing and my clothes were so wet at the end of the day it felt like I just came out of a pool. Last year I brought a bottle of body powder and thought applying some to my most sweating areas it would help but it wasn't enough and was almost a repeat of the year before. This year I want to be better prepared.

I'm a tall man at 247 pounds. I sweat A LOT and after just 5 minutes of being in the sun during summer I look like a walking rain storm. I bought a few products recently to test before the trip and so far haven't had much success. I tried antiperspirant spray which had some noticeable defense but didn't last long. I tried a better brand of body powder with cooling features and that was more noticeable but I felt like I would need to reapply it at least 10 times before the end of the day. I have a spare can of the powder for the trip and some antiperspirant deodorant but I feel like I am going into the trip very unprepared. I will be outside in 90-95 degree heat for 3 days from morning until evening and I need to stay as dry as possible for comforts sake. Does anyone know what else I can try or do to be better prepared for sweating all day?

Preparing for sweat battle for August vacation

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