Do I have a pile? Confused! Been to the Doctor twice!

mercredi 22 juillet 2015

Hi everyone,

For the last four - five weeks I've had this what looks like a white headed spot near my anus opening on the left. I discovered this while washing in the shower. After getting the mirror in the correct place, I managed to get a look at it. There hasn't been any bleeding, but sometimes feels like its a bit raised on the skin. The area feels soft and not hard. Its also possible to move the top of it around.

I decided to visit the doctor who told me it was a small pile and gave me some cream and suppositories to use. That was around three weeks ago and it hadn't got any better. Yesterday, I went back to my GP (not the same doctor) who then told me it wasn't a pile, but could be an anal fissure? She then gave me some pain relief cream.

In the past I've suffered from small amounts of rectal bleeding. The hospital told me this from an anal fissure. I've also had both a colonoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy due to this bleeding.

I'm just at a loss as to what this might be? I eat a good amount of fruit and vegetables. I also drink plenty of water.

I do have a follow up appointment with the clinic who carry out the cameras, but was wondering if I could get some advice before I attend the clinic.

The creams my doctor gave me were:

Anusol HC

Rectogestic (seems to have a side effect of giving me a headache)

I also purchased myself a cream called Germoloids.

Also, three times a day I've been sitting in a bath of warm water. This hasn't really helped.

None of these have seemed to clear anything up.

Would anyone happen to have any advice or has something like this?

Many thanks

Do I have a pile? Confused! Been to the Doctor twice!

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