Been extremely forgetful lately!

mercredi 22 juillet 2015

Hi everybody! Newbie here, my first post. :)

So, as the title says, lately, as in the past 10 or so days, I've been extremely forgetful. I'm constantly forgetting what I was going to say. To the point that I open my mouth, say 2 or 3 words, and then *poof*, have no idea what it was. People think I'm crazy. And it's sooo annoying.

Also, I'm misplacing things that I use on a daily basis, and I can't for the life of me remember where I put said thing. It's really starting to interfere with my routine. My mind just goes blank.

I've been always kind of aired-head, but nothing close to this. I'm kind of worried that it's not going away. I take a benzodiazepine for panic disorder and an anti-depressant.

Any help, tips, or any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Been extremely forgetful lately!

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