RUQ pain, low ferritine, free fluid in POD - IBS, cancer?!

mercredi 22 juillet 2015

I have for more than 2 weeks now a dull pain and pressure under my rib, that radiates from time to time to my right soulder blade, and occasionally to my left side. In some positions, when I'm sitting or laying on the side and my ribs are hitting whatever that is, it can turn into sharp pain.
I had a blood test and an ultrasound, and the only thing that came up is that I have low ferritin (11ng/L). The ultrasound was normal. I have a diagnosed IBS and gastritis from before, but what really scares me is this pain in combination with the low ferritin. Is it possible that I'm losing blood in my digestive system? I'm so scared it could be cancer.
On the ultrasound the doctor has seen fluid in the douglas pouch, but didn't pay much attention to it. However, when I put all my findings together, it doesn't look very good :-( One month ago, on a gynecological ultrasound the doctor has also mentioned I had free fluid in my POD, and it was unrelated to ovulation.
I have to mention that I have been taking a lot of supplements about one month before the onset of pain, inclusing dhea hormone, vitamins, and aspirine, because me and my husband are preparing for an IVF. Could I have provoqued anything with a high dose of supplements?
Any suggestions? Please help!

RUQ pain, low ferritine, free fluid in POD - IBS, cancer?!

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