My intro.

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Hey everyone!

So my name is Scott. 40 years old. I live in Wisconsin with my wife, Chrissy. I'm at a crossroads in my life. We both are, really. Maybe it's the fact that I turned 40 years old in August. Maybe it's the way my job has switched directions. It's probably for several reasons that I feel I'm standing at these crossroads more apparent now than ever.

My story right now is this: A few weeks ago, we began kicking around the idea of uprooting our lives and living in an Airstream full-time. We do not have any children nor do we plan on having any children. I've been feeling more and more lately like I'm not living my life. I'm hardly living. I'm simply going through the motions. This isn't living. It's surviving. Life is far too short to work for the weekends, but that's precisely what I'm doing. 3 weeks of vacation and a Saturday & Sunday every week are making me more and more depressed. I've been feeling more and more like I'm not having much purpose in life. My job is completely unsatisfying in every way. I don't make a difference in anyone's life from a career-standpoint. The alarm clock goes off at 5 o'clock in the morning & it's painful.

Why do we do this? Why do we suffer through 55+ hours every single week doing something we don't want to do in our lives? Life is simply far too short for this kind of torture. This isn't a dress rehearsal. We get one shot at this thing we call "life" and I've wasted far too many years thus far doing monotonous work that simply makes no difference to anyone at all. It's the same stupid questions dealing with the same stupid people every single day.

It is time for a change.

My wife & I are still in the very early preliminary stage of this grand scheme we've begun planning. Sell everything. Sell our home. Buy an Airstream. And then? this rat race adieu and see things in life most people never get to see. We have the entire contiguous U.S. to see and dammit, I want to see it. I don't want to do what I'm doing and suffer through this for another 25+ years. I know so many people in today's day & age who have to work 'til they die. And for what? ...he who dies with the most stuff & the most money still die. You can't take any of it to your grave so what in the world are we doing? What exactly are we working for? ...because society says we have to? ...because that's what your friends and family are doing? It simply doesn't add up and I don't want to subject myself to it any longer than I absolutely have to.

I've been reading blogs and gathering data mostly from other full-time RV'ers. I'm curious to know their stories, how they ended up where they are and what it took to make that happen. I don't know what sort of timeline we have. We have zero credit card debt and very minimal debt, overall. We essentially just have our mortgage, my wife's student loan & a car payment. If there are any other blogs anyone can recommend from individuals who are doing or have done what I'm wanting to accomplish, I'd love to hear about them. I've read through the most of the "full-time" section and enjoy reading those stories and I applaud those of you who have ditched society's way of life.

I don't have much else to add except that I'm excited to be a member here and hope to one day be able to add the model of Airstream we own to my profile.

Best regards & 1st post ever!! *w00t!*

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