Engine Braking

dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Tried searching, but the AS forum is vast and this topic is well hidden in threads. If you point me to this topic, much appreciated. So, my questions are....how does engine braking work? Can ones engine really survive the RPM's of being pushed down hill by a TT? What is the best approach to truck brake, engine brake, and trailer brake combo?

Came down the Big Horn Pass, WY this summer and was shocked at how much gravity influences the whole rig. I mostly kept it in control. At the bottom ran into another RV'er who proclaimed his awe and said he was turning around and going back to Maryland after that ordeal. I rode my rig down in 2nd gear, avoiding 1st in fear I would explode the engine. Alternated truck and trailer brakes, but avoided all out foot stomping. I have a 2013 Ford F150 8 cyl. auto, 2013 International Signature 23'. Any recommendations about how to safely handle steep downhill grades without burning out the brakes? thanks!

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