locked rear ext compartment door

mercredi 13 août 2014

Hello All,

I am new to the Airstream world, and am turning a 1968 Overlander into basically a tiny house. I'm at the point where I'm re-sealing all the windows and discovering how everything works. Unfortunately I don't have the key to the rear exterior compartment and it's locked. I live in a rural area and would rather figure out how to do this on my own (so as to avoid the cost of a locksmith driving all the way out here). Any tips on getting this lock opened? The "line" at my local hardware store is that "I need a locksmith because they can't tell me how to break into my own trailer."

Also, advice on what to use to re-seal leaky areas..... I've been told silicone, but then I've also read not to use silicone and go with a polyurethane. Thoughts?

Thanks for the help! Apologies if this info exists already somewhere on this forum. I just couldn't wade through all the posts.

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