Adventure Floor Time or How to Defeat the buyers moisture detector.

samedi 30 août 2014

Floor Rot Surprise! Hozah!

Well, we tested the floor with a moisture detector and got zero results. The floor was just a little "flexy' under the table, but I thought to myself, "Probably just a trailer floor."

So how do you hide the fact that the floor is gone to crap? You cover it up with a big sheet of metal, then put down new laminate and make up a lie about the new laminate and hope the new owner is none the wiser.

Photographic evidence of todays discovery.

So I'm glad I decided to start pulling this up today. There was a very serious level of moisture trapped under all this.

The wood in this corner is soaked, and I mean SOAKED, I am not sure an epoxy or GIT-ROT is going to work on this. A matter of fact, you can see where I had an accident. While leaning on the floor to remove the seat, my hand went right thru it.

You can see pretty well the direction I think the water and moisture has been traveling. Worse, under neath the new" laminate was additional pooling moisture. Glad I got it today. The floor towards the back seems all solid and good, checked bathroom floor as well.

Given my notes and the evidence here, I think this was done on purpose to conceal the issue. Kind of mad about that in reality. What do you think? Could this really be someone's half a$$'d fix?

Anyhow, I'll probably contact the guy I bought it from and chew him out for lying, flat out saying there is "NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS TRAILER". But it is what it is. I also don't understand how my inspector missed this, except that I made a rookie mistake and agreed to use the sellers "recommended RV Dealer"


As far as the Airstream goes, I am going to keep her and restore her. This is "our" trailer. I am the 3rd owner, the guy who I just bought it from had it only since Jan. And I managed to contact the original owner, who was a WBCCI member. Wonderful, wonderful gentlemen whom my wife and I plan on visiting to hear more stories of his travels. He bought the Airstream originally and told us he's taken it everywhere.

To quote him:


The trailer has been to every state and province of Canada except

the NW Territory, Newfoundland and Labrador. It has been to Alaska twice,

once on the top of the world highway from Dawson City, Yukon Territory

to Chicken, AK.

Yeah, I just love the history of this. I love that it's already been all the places we want to go. So I don't have buyer remorse here. Kind of hard to explain, but we knew this was "our" Airstream, good and bad.

I just wish the bad was told to me than hidden.

So starting this thread as I work thru this process of replacing the damaged floor and tracking down the source of the leak.

Since I have a 2007 and my forum search seems to point to checking the seal where the bumper makes contact at the rear under the belt line first.

:) Well, I'll keep smiling.

Certainly glad I paid extra for a covered storage unit now.

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