Wounded Warrior

samedi 31 janvier 2015

My wife and I have contributed to this cause for ten years now and we were pleased when the WBCCI took this cause on as one we supported as members of the club. As with most charities we at least always wonder if our money is well used by the people running the charity.

I've got a personal story which affirms the importance of this charity. Since my retirement, one year today, I've volunteered at a new dog rescue in Pittsburgh, PA. We take all breeds and all temperaments, rehabilitate those needed help and do some training as well which is what I do along with our certified trainer and behaviorist. Recently we took a dog in which was severely abused from Animal Control in another state. He had been beaten in the head with a baseball bat and then dragged behind a truck all because he would not perform properly as a bait dog in a dog fighting training ring. We got him and two others, he was very frightened and withdrawn, which is my specialty in dog training. We got him out of his shell in a week or so and he bloomed. A more loving dog of everyone and everything we have not had.

Now to my point, sorry for the length; a month later a young Marine with severe PTSD came to our shelter looking for a companion dog. He had two kids, divorced, living alone in an one bedroom apartment and getting treatment from the VA for his injuries and the PTSD. I showed him several dogs and then told him the story of Gopher our dog who had been through hell and back. They bonded at once and after an hour he decided to fill out an application and proceed from there. We continued to work with Gopher for the month and prepare him as an Emotional Support Dog for this Marine. The real point is this; the Marine had a jacket on a Wounded Warrior jacket and I asked them if they had helped him. He said "Wounded Warrior saved my life". They keep me focused on things other than my PTSD, take me on trips, coach me and are going to help financially with Gopher.

So, it satisfied my wife and I and I hope this takes any question anyone might have about Wounded Warrior out of their minds. I know there has been some internet garbage going around about them, its not true. According to this young man and several others who have now come to us, Wounded Warrior is a key part of their lives.

Take Care


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