What makes a rally?

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Hi All, I am up on the West Coast of Canada on Vancouver Island.

I have never seen a rally come to the island and have never been to one as of yet, so I am curious. What makes a rally? A certain minimum of Airstreams or other vintage trailers? Organized events? CookoffS? What happens at these and what are you favourite things and least favourite things about going to Rallys. What are your personal expectations

I am interested in organizing one here on the island but I just don't know what the expectations are. Does the Rally organizer pay for the camp area or do people attending book and pay for their own spots? How does liability work. If it is in a licensed campground and someone falls and breaks a leg do I have to worry about liability or is that covered by the camp areas insurance or waivers. Do I need to personally have waivers

Some input would be great.

Thank You Everyone


aka: TheSignLady

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