Uh-oh! NOT lining up...

lundi 27 avril 2015

Was hoping to get the shell back on my AS this weekend, set it back down on the new deck yesterday, and it won't line up with the front alignment plate. The door frame is also not sitting down properly, the door is hanging up on the lower frame. So some background, and maybe you older and wiser heads can help me come up with a solution.

I needed to replace a fair number of outriggers, fabricated my own and installed them so they were in the same plane from side to side. Made new support/spacer boards for the dropped cross-members, installed new 3/4" marine plywood for the deck, and had the frame securely jacked and leveled before dropping the shell. I truly expected it to settle right in and be happy, and for the most part, it did. But the front of the shell is sitting approx. 3/16" LOW at the alignment plate, and I'm not sure exactly what's going on with the door, other than that it's sitting high on the opening side :huh:.

From the door back on the curb side, everything lines up perfectly. Same for the road side, the entire straight section is good all the way to the back.

I've checked and double checked my alignment, level, and fit at the curves, and I've also checked and double checked that I don't have anything binding or hanging up anywhere. Needless to say, this was a big disappointment, and more than a little frustrating. As those who've done this know, I've got a lot of time and effort involved in getting to this point, and I'd gotten my little sister to make the 200 mile drive to come help, so I'd have a second pair of hands to handle the bucking bar. I'm eager to hear ANY suggestions, and I will NOT be insulted by anything, no matter how trivial. I just want to get my trailer back together and ready to face the next 40 years :D. Thanks, folks.


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