Why does "record" does not wait for quantization point when loop is playing?

mercredi 19 août 2015

I just wanted to report this default behaviour which makes no sense to me really.

Say that I've recorded a bassline in Track 1, and it goes round and round. I record some guitar chords in Track 2, and now it's all playing together.
Now I want to return to Track 1 and record ("overwrite") some variation of a bassline, and I press record somewhere in the meantime (waiting for quantization point), but then it gets cut off immediately because it starts recording.

But I have really no use of it starting immediately because I can't start playing before it reaches a beginning of loop (I won't start playing bassline from, like 64% of it's duration if you get what I mean).

Wouldn't it make more sense for record to wait for the next quantization point? Like when the track is empty.

Excuse me if I've overlooked something and this is actually a better way to go about it. I'm just expressing how I think about it.

I know I probably can script it, but it just seems kind of inconsistent to me if everything else is quantized in some way.
.. Is there a way to change this behaviour without scripting?

EDIT: Lol forget the funny title with two "does", I edited the title but didn't check it well.

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