How to "arm" only selected (active) track? No multiple armed tracks.

dimanche 16 août 2015

Hello to the forum, you'll see me here often! First let me say I think that Mobius looper has a great potential, but it is horrible horrible horrible when it comes to user-friendliness :D I can only compare it with migrating to Ableton Live, seeing all the non-graphical buttons and everythink looking like you're doing C++ programming. I'm a technical guy but I've spent last two days reading manuals and figuring out stupid things like "where is the stop button?" :D and similar.

So there's my criticsm. I have no doubt others are sharing my opinion.
Now the good thing: It is obviously great (the best) and I want to figure it out and use it.


I'm using a MIDI footswitch. I assigned one button to "Next Track" and it works. But what I've expected is that when I go to next track that it will record only that track when I hit record button. But no, it records whatever is "armed" already.

So what's the use of "next track" thing? What can I do with active track that I cannot with non-active?

How to achieve active(selected) track being the only one armed?
Is there such things as "arm next" or sth like that?

The thing I want to use Mobius in the first place is because I have only 4 buttons, and Ableton Live requires me to have multiple loopers and multiple buttons for every looper which leaves me with only 1 looper possible. But I want the same buttons to act depending on what track is active/armed track. Is it possible?

So my scenario is switching between tracks using one button and using same buttons to record/mute/play and stuff for every track.

Here's the image:

You see that I went to track 2 ("next track") but the first one is still armed? So I cannot record to track 2.

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