Mobius n' Automation

dimanche 29 mars 2015

Hiiii all.. I'm creating this sound art piece type performance in which I'm going to be improv / free form singing but to a "backing track" of automation within Logic. Looping/mobius are to be the cornerstone of this performance, as i want my vocals constantly being captured and looped while im singing and pitch shifted and otherwise FX'd to create bass lines and other rhythmic sounds as well as huge swarms of chaos... all via automation, w/o any form of live midi control. sounds fun :p

i just embarked upon this pretty (read: definitely) colossal task of setting up all the automation.. - enter my first hang up/question (there'll prob be lots more to come over the next month.. ill put yr names in the credits if u help me :)

when trying to automate the Record function, it is set up as an On/Off style command, meaning if i automate it as "On" it thinks i am holding the Record button down. well, if you try clicking and holding the Record button in mobius you'll notice it cuts itself back off within half a second of it being held down, and records nothing. this means each time i want to start or stop Record, i have to automate an "On" point followed by an "Off", and the Off has to occur within that half second frame. well, at least i figured this much out and can make it record! this is really a matter of convenience. at any rate i am wondering if anybody can advise me as to how i could change the way Record is automated so i won't have to pair both On and Off automation points each time i wish it to start, or to stop?

and any other general advice regarding how to approach this set i am trying to create would be much appreciated :p



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