New-ish user here. Had a couple of questions

samedi 28 mai 2016

Hey everybody. I came to register and I realized that apparently I registered for these forums back in 2012!! But I never really started messing with Mobius until last year. I've done some experimentation, and I really like the software... However I had some questions:

1) Is it possible to do "punch in" start and stops, similar to how Ibarra does on this video:

Like around 8:06 where he is punching in the music briefly while he is saying "One two three o'clock"

2) Is there any way to have FX on each channel? I've been using Mobius inside of Reaper as the host, but I have no idea how I would set up unique effects to each Mobius channel. Does it have some kind of "send" function where I could send it out to a separate Reaper track with the FX, and then back into Mobius?

3) Is there a way to select multiple channels at the same time and mute/unmute them simultaneously?

4) What is a good inexpensive midi controller that works well with Mobius? I mean, it is OK with keyboard, but kind of clunky because you are having to use the arrow keys to select different tracks and stuff. Anybody tried using a Korg nanokontrol with Mobius? If you used that, how would you tell reaper whether you were doing a regular record, or an overdub?

Thanks for any help!


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