mercredi 25 février 2015

Harley Davidson tee shirts from Sturgis, South Dakota have some of the most beautiful tee shirt art. It makes Harley Davidson motorcycles an art form. Even though my first, and last motorcycle was a 90cc Honda trail bike... I still love wearing my Sturgis tee shirts. Especially if you catch the big rally AFTER the last day and get everything at 50% or MORE off.

Harley Davidson CREATES the illusion in ART form AND owner's supporting that image.

Airstream. Wow... a free floor mat with the purchase of a very expensive trailer.

Airstream. Wow... a possible jacket that... well, looks like Airstream is a low budget jacket brand from China.

Airstream... what in Hell is wrong with YOU?

Airstream Trailers HAVE a public that still is curious IF the company is still in business. The corporate offices must be those from General Motors and prefer to run the company into the ditch of lost opportunities.

Whenever I think of Airstream, I think of Airstream Rallies that line up like the bikes in Sturgis, South Dakota and... well... that is the end of the story.

Here is a corporation with a true American ICON known across the "modern world" (probably only the Western World). Yet... they treat this treasure and living off of some 1950's travels across Africa as if that was enough to keep the image alive. As a think tank at Corporate... you have to have the thickest skulls and deep set eyes like the Neanderthal taking the last gasp of lost opportunities towards and eventual future extinction.

I would never wear my Airstream...hat, coat... but do use the floor mat. Get with it guys. Go to Sturgis, SD and see how to promote an IMAGE. Anyone who sees an Airstream today at an RV Park think of the owners as a group of wine sipping old farts, too old to understand that there is more to an Airstream than flushing the toilet and operating the ceiling fans.

Oh yeah... the Airstream plastic Christmas tree ornaments. That took some time to dream up. Ceramic Airstream dust collectors.

Even the Crazy Horse Monument has better promotional material to further their current and future work at their monument to a great Sioux Indian warrior.

And Airstream... a simple coffee cup.

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