Random shaking/ghost in the machine

jeudi 26 février 2015

Our '81 28' Excella has a strange way of getting our attention, she shakes and quivers like she is in a 6.5 earthquake.

Seriously for no apparent reason she starts shaking, from steering wheel to bathroom it starts fairly suddenly without warning and becomes quite violent. It usually happens at speeds over 45 mph and the only thing that seems to help is to steadily accelerate until it passes this takes some nerve but we learned very quickly last summer that slowing down makes it worse and that speeding up will help it pass. We can drive for hours without any issue and all of a sudden it happens and then will go away and not return or may happen again 10 min later. I've checked the driveline from front to back and cannot see any obvious problems.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


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