Calcaneus fracture ways to reduce sweling?

lundi 20 juillet 2015

Looks like I've joined the Calcaneus club. I definitely do NOT recommend this, more pain than I though possible.
Sunday July 12, I took a shortcut down a stepladder in my garage. Wound up on the concrete floor with a surprised, then pained look on my face.
I knew right away I was in trouble, took off my right shoe/sock and it was already swollen. Managed to hop next door and got a neighbor to drive me to the hospital. X-rays and CT scan showed fractured calcaneus. They gave me some pain killers and an air-cast and an appointment with a specialist the following Tuesday. By Tuesday I had a hideous fracture blister to go with it.
Specialist said no surgery required, and don't have to stay in the cast. Just stay off of it for 6 weeks, then a follow-up appointment.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all as good as could be expected, hobbling on crutches, then switched to one of those kneel on scooter things.
Perhaps I overdid it on Wednesday (though I didn't move around much) because Thursday through Saturday the pain got much worse. any time I stand up and my right leg is lowered, the whole front of my lower shin screams. Anyway, I've only left the couch for bathroom breaks since, and it's a bit better. Have been icing it for 15 minutes every hour or so, and taking ibuprophen. I'm wondering if there are any other ways I can get the swelling down faster. The top of my foot is still fairly swollen, and my shin is still very tender. Thanks.

Calcaneus fracture ways to reduce sweling?

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