Should I be worried?

mardi 21 juillet 2015

I don't know if I should be concerned or not, has anyone else expierenced what I'm about to describe? First let me go back, I have had sinus infection issues since I was a child, I turned 40 this year, growing up I just learned to deal with them. I was seen by an e.n.t. about 9 yrs ago because I stopped having the pressure and pain from the sysmptoms of the start of an infection, I would just get sick and when I would go to doc, there was already an infection. The doc sent me to have a ct scan to get a good look. The scan showed that my sinus cavities are hard not soft, he said there is a percentage of people that this happens to and this is why I don't get most symptoms anymore. Fast forward to present date....I have had this aching pain in my left jaw joint, right in front of my ear for about a month. I didnt think much of this pain, because I tend to clinch my jaw when I concentrate on something, i.e. reading, I have always done this and was never an issue. Well then I woke up last sunday morning, set up to get out of bed and got extremely dizzy, made me sick to my stomach it was so bad. I got in to see my doctor on wed and she said I have a bad sinus infection on the left side, said yellow and bloody. She checked my jaw joint and left ear (Even tho I had no pain) and said the ear was clear and looked good and there wasnt anything she could find with the jaw. Said the pain was likely from the sinus infection. The dizziness and issues that came with it (sick to stomach, vomiting, headache) lasted for 6 days. I finally stopped getting dizzy saturday afternoon. I still have some drainage from the infection. Now for my question... If the pain was from my sinus infection and its going away, why does my jaw joint still hurt and why am I now having pain and "crawling" feeling in ear and when swallowing? This is crazy, I just want to be pain and dizzy free! Can someone help, please?

Should I be worried?

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