advice needed

mardi 21 juillet 2015

I have been having problems with my knees for 3 years. Then came right shoulder pain and back pain. After Numerous trips to the doctors, different GP sugerys and mri scans i have finally been diagnosed with Oestoarthritis. My doctor has told me due to my age (24yrs) when i am older majority of my joints could have this disease. He wants to start me on injections twice a year which i am uncertain on as i have heard these injections can cause more pain. It turns out this is heredatry as my mother and great aunt has ostearthritis also. I have been on and off Naproxen tablets for 3 years and i feel they are not working! Recently my right hip and my right arm and wrist have been paining. Seems to me im getting worse as the days go by, the mornings are the worst. I wake up from a good 8 hours sleep, aching and lethargic every day. To the point where it takes me 2-3 hours to get motivated. As dramatic as it sounds this is ruining my life! I constantly feel down. Im breaking down crying and get so irritated and angry with everything...little things like knowing i need to cook tea sets me off in a fit of rage. In all honesty i feel like iv lost myself somewhere along the line i hate being like this and iv tried so much to change and sort my head out. Nothings helping. Its now causing problems between my partner and myself and even my 4 year son is wondering whats up with his mommy. My son said to my partner this morning 'i hope mommys not in a bad mood today' as i was getting out of bed. That really hurt me knowing how my babys feeling towards me. Im stuck in limbo and really dont know what my next move should be :( sorry for the long moaning thread.

advice needed

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