Partner withholding affection

mardi 21 juillet 2015

I don't know what to do anymore. I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years. When we first met it was so amazing. We fell fast. About 5 months in she donated an organ for her mother. It was a huge surgery and she recovered for about a month. We were in different parts of the country for that month but still together. When she got back, she seemed different pretty immediately. I could tell something was off and I didn't know what. I thought she didn't love me anymore. Then we finally realized that she was depressed. Likely from the surgery and everything going on with her mom. Her mom has not been doing that great since the kidney transplant and has gotten sick a lot of times and had to be in the hospital. Throughout the past year and a half, my girlfriends depression hasn't gone away. It took months for her to start therapy but after 6 months she said it wasn't doing anything for her and stopped. There will be days when she is super loving and affectionate but the bulk of days she doesn't show me affection and sometimes barely even talks to me. I know she is dealing with so much from her mom but it feels like she is putting our relationship to the side. I've been staying because I believe she is depressed and can get better. But the longer it lasts without a huge improvement the more I get defeated and think it'll never end. What do I do? Do I stay and hope that it'll get better eventually? Or do I just leave? I find myself getting really angry a lot when she withholds affection and love from me. Like a little child wishing that their parent would give them attention. It feels awful. What do I do?

Partner withholding affection

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