Need help with scripting

dimanche 21 février 2016

I am using Notepad on Windows, and try to save the file using the ANSI encoding. I ve used normal Text file (*.txt), MSDOS style/ASCII art (*.nfo) and tried others, but nothing seems to work.
I am going to configuration, Scripts, add script and going to the folder I saved to. But nothing appears...
The Script I was trying to bind to a Midi Command was "copied" from Forum, a Script to Load and Start a saved Project:

!name Load and Start Project
Load (C:\Users\i Think\Documents\Mobius projekte\NF 6 Blues 1(3).mob)
Wait last
for *
if inPause

I´ve also tried only the Load Project part...

But I did not get it working.
What am I doing wrong?
Do I need another Text Editor? (when, which one)?

Need help with scripting

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