Help! Scared I might have HIV

lundi 20 juillet 2015

On May 22, 2015 I had unprotected sex with a woman who claims to be HIV negative. Weeks later I began to have symptoms of the virus. I have swollen lymph nodes in neck and i had my occipitial node swollen at one point, i did have a fever at one point, nights sweats and rash on torso with black caps on them(does not itch). I also had a sore on my lib that went away when i put toothpaste on it for 3 days. On July 18, 2015 I took an oraquick test which came out negative. After completion of the test i realized I swabbed my bottom gum more that once. Does that affect results? Also I am aware of the 12 week period for antibodies to fully develop but they can also be detected within the time frame that i took my test. I wanted to get checked out but I wanted some advice as well. I am currently awaiting for the woman to get tested since she offered to go again

Help! Scared I might have HIV

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