Offline html manual/User Guide?

jeudi 17 mars 2016

I'll be traveling and won't always be in places with an internet connection so I was wondering if there is an offline version of the html manuals (all of them!)?

If not already available, anybody know how one could be easily created? I tried with several online tools but the problem I always face is when you click one of the blue hyperlinks at the top of the documents which act as chapters, they redirect you to the online version!
This is not a huge problem but still really annoying since I can't easily navigate the document by quickly jumping to the appropriate chapters.

I imagine there must be a fairly easy way of doing this but I just don't have the technical knowledge for this kind of stuff...does anyone out there know how to do this...A self contained manual that maintains the hyperlinks redirecting internally to the document?

I would imagine this could be useful to a lot of people.

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