Can Mobius only save 8 Loops

dimanche 13 mars 2016

Since I found out, I can use up to 16 Loops in Mobius, I started to sync behaviour of Mobius to my BeatBuddy DrumPedal.

So I am using 5 Loops for up to 5 Main Song Parts. Changing into new Part is effected by using a "transition", so I set up another 5 Loops to record a transition (mostly played one time...), then another 5 Loops to record "Fill" Parts (a Fill is played, then changing into next loop, going back to previous loob comes also with a preceding intro), and last but not least, an outro (I use the "outro" also within a song as Fill-Part to record, and to end a song I trigger the outro (BB), go to outro-Part (Mobius) by pressing Pedal, release effects Mobius to Global Mute...

In any Song Part, Transition and Fill-Part I can hold Pedal to record the loop, release starts the playing (short press goes to Part and play).

This all works very well and I am realy happy with this setup, but... I realized, when saving Project it saves only the first 8 Loops.
Don´t know why, maybe it is cause I am going to the Loops 9-16 by using a Loop 8
Next Loop
command (I am using Gordius LGX2, so no scripts at all...)

(so Loop 12 is
Loop 8
Next Loop
Next Loop
Next Loop
Next Loop)

Before I now change the whole thing, I just wanted to ask here, if someone is using more then 8 Loops and has ability to save all Loops???
Can I use scripts to go to Loops beyound 8 to make Mobius Savings to recognize them???
Has anyone tips?


Can Mobius only save 8 Loops

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