Mobius Scaling on High DPI Displays?

vendredi 10 juin 2016

Hi Folks! Long time Mobius user here, though first time poster. I recently got a new computer, one with a high DPI (i.e. lots of pixels per unit area). Mobius doesn't seem to like this much. Here's what it looks like by default:

And even after scaling the fonts in the ui.xml file, I still wind up with this:

(sorry for the blurriness, Imgur's downscaling tool is apparently not so hot)

There are a few undesirable things here, but most notably no matter what I do in the ui.xml file I can't seem to get the 8 tracks at the bottom to format correctly at all. Their x, y, width & height parameters appear to be set outside of the ui.xml file, and they become quite hard to use under the circumstances. Is there anything I can do to fix the UI? Thanks in advance for your help!

Mobius Scaling on High DPI Displays?

1 commentaires:

Sue1 a dit…

I have the same issue using surface pro 3 .... did you find a solution?

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