Best Airstream to purchase for someone looking to renovate it?

lundi 3 novembre 2014

Hello and thank you for taking to time to read this and help out. your advice and expertise is highly appreciated.

We are looking to purchase an old Airstream and renovate it to our liking. Apparently this has become quite the fab these day. With so many people doing this I would imagine there has to be some information out there that could help point us in the right direction of which model/year/length/ect. is the easiest to renovate and remodel.

Any information would be helpful even if it is not precise. Such as, "Anything before a 1975 is really hard to get parts for, therefore I would recommend staying above that." or "They didn't make very many of blank Models , so they are tough to get new parts for and I would recommend staying away from them."


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