Practicing music @ Ft. Wilderness

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

The beginning of this year found me learning to play the trombone, and I have stuck with daily practice sessions during week days.

We're headed out next week for my Overlander's tenth visit to Disneyworld/Fort Wilderness, and I would like to get in at least a little practice so my lip doesn't totally go to pot over the 10 days dedicated to the adventure.

The rest of the family would prefer I did not practice inside my American Classic. As a consequence, I am trying to ID alternate practice venues. Since I get up REALLY early, my options could include golf-carting over to:

A) Entry parking lot

B) Big open field between reception & campground

C) Beach near The Settlement

D) Somewhere near the former River Country

Where else do you think a Tommy Dorsey wannabee would not detract from everyone else's bask in the Disney Magic?



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