DIY Gratification

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Well, so I know this will sound pathetic (really pathetic, lol)...but I felt pretty accomplished last night.

I got the replacement blower fan for my furnace from Atwood under warranty. It had bused in early spring from something (I suspect from sucking in a scrap of aluminum I found later - a reminant from the building process) and I got around to getting the new part...

I took off the broke fan earlier this year and in the process unplugged the sail switch and the little "off/reset" breaker in that area as well.

Now, as I went to put it all back together I realized.."oh crap, which ones go where?"....I was going to go over to my neighbors house with the same exact airstream and just look at theirs the next day, but got out the manual, found the wiring diagram, and actually, it showed exactly what I needed to know....hooked it all up...turned on...all is working perfect now.

It took me an hour maybe 1.5 hours because I sat scratching my head and thinking about it for a while...but next time I will know.

And now that I have fiddled with this process now, I am full aware of how to replace the circuit board (prone to failure), the fan, the sail switch (atwood sent me an extra one btw).

And so, a small victory, but signifies progress in understanding how my Airstream works, and how to do some minor repairs.

The hardest part was putting on the little stiff circular that was a tight spot..had to find the smallest pair of pliers I had to manage that and even then it was tedius. But having done it now, I could replicate it with much greater ease.

I had forgot how long the fan runs after you turn off the furnace...for a moment there I thought it would never stop running and that I had messed something did turn off...probably 60 seconds I would guess delay.

yeah, its no big deal...pathetic even...but progress none-the-less....and somehow it was very gratifying to hear the fan first kick on...then the furnace...

Now, make fun of me :)

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