Acquiring and "Older" Airstream Trailer

mercredi 3 septembre 2014

We have owned an Airstream Trailer for many years and we have decided that we have "out grown" our precious 23 foot trailer and are looking to "upgrade" to a bigger model. While we are still looking, we are seriously considering 34 foot limited models. There are quite a few available and many look, from the pictures posted, wonderful. However, they vary in age from the 1980's to 2011 models as well as vary considerably in price. They are also located all over the United States. While we have several in mind, my question is: Is it well worthwhile to purchase an older model trailer, that has been well treated, versus a newer model. Differences in the "accessories" are often small for they are much the same but I am torn between getting one that is aging and may start to show wear or need more maintenance versus trying to obtain a newer model that wouldn't have the "years" on it and probably have less maintenance. Price differences are, often, significant. Your opinions and ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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