slimp wheel

vendredi 1 août 2014

Title: Add New - Airstream Trailer Classifieds - Airstream Trailers For Sale

I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.

We removed this from a camper we had so we could put it on on a jet ski trailer we were building. It never got put on so it's time to sell it. It made it so easy to hitch the camper to the tow vehicle and I guess it takes a lot of the weight off of the tow vehicle but we had a full size truck and only a 20 foot camper. This hasn't been used since 1997 or 98 so I don't know if anything can go bad with it -so as is where is - is how I'm selling it. We did purchase new tires for it back when we were using it but again that was a long time ago. I looked at the tires and I don't see any cracks and there appears to be a lot of tread. It has a ball on both sides- we thought maybe for sway bars but we didn't have any. This is quite heavy so I have no idea on how to ship it but I'm located in New York state and there are wonderful things to see and do here when you come pick it up!! I'm not sure of the brand but it looks like a slimp wheel kind of thing. The guy we bought it from said a race car driver designed it and it was named after him- but I don't remember what he called it and I can't find it on google.Vintage ad is a little like it.We thought about making a trailer with the swivel wheel part- just never did!

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