Roof sealer removal and fins ?

vendredi 29 août 2014

The roof of our Sovereign has this gray hard sealer on a lot of the roof like around the A/C unit and added super cool vents. The sealer looks like something used on mobile homes.

It seems a bit gritty, it is silver or grayish in color and very stiff, even hard. It is not as hard as concrete per say, but much harder and stiff than Vulcum or Henry's tar based sealer. It does appear to be tar based, but closer to an asphalt.

What do you folks think about a little heat to soften it, I have a commercial grade heat gun and a mild propane torch { I know aluminum is finicky with a torch, I would be very careful}???

Second, Along the side of the A/C it looks as though someone has added the fins. They are aluminum angle screwed down to the roof parallel to the ac unit running front to back. They stick up about 3-4" off the roof. I am guessing for water condensation or something.

Are these needed? Are they standard on AS when they have A/C?

Just curious if I should remove them...kinda ugly and do not seem necessary to me.


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