Crowdsourcing a Medical Emergencies Checklist

jeudi 13 mars 2014

Maggie's recent posts about Doug's tragic passing have no doubt touched us all. I've never met them but feel so connected through this forum. And on that point - we've all had our long debates about hitches, tires, tow vehicles, etc., but the outpouring of unity, compassion, love, prayers and helpful offers to support a family in need has been wonderfully affirming. It both humbles me, and makes me proud to be a part of such a community (if that makes sense).

Through all the emotions their story evokes, perhaps some of us wondered (as I did) - what if that were me/us? Would we know what to do? We talk about checklists for setting up and tearing down camp, but what about checklists for situations we hope we are never in - but would need in that moment desperately when there isn't time to think or make it up on the fly?

So I thought we could gather the collective wisdom of this wonderfully thoughtful group to help compile a comprehensive list of tools, apps, providers, tips, actions, etc. to be prepared for something we all hope never happens.

I'll start the next reply with a list of questions to begin compiling the "kit". If you have other questions that can help build a kit feel free to add them. And of course, thanks in advance for answering these questions and sharing your wisdom. As this thread evolves, perhaps we'll get to a place where we can have a fairly definitive approach/toolkit that can become a "sticky" and be a helpful aid to campers for years to come.

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