PASSING AUTOMOBILES cutting it too close

lundi 2 mars 2015

I tow with a 2012 Toyota Tundra. Standard factory mirrors and no mirrors attached while towing.

My driver's side mirror I can see as far back as needed to change lanes.

My passenger's side mirror with the "safety mirror" shows a distorted distance of a vehicle on your right side. It appears to be 200 feet back, but is actually less than half that distance. Maybe even closer than any of us would consider a safe distance to return back into the right lane. My biggest complaint of modern vehicles with the government requirement that these "objects are closer than they appear" etched into each and every mirror. Obviously someone felt it would save someone the grief of backing over someone... and yet thousands of accidents could have been avoided by a standard mirror, like the Driver's Side Mirror.

I never needed those temporary mirrors attached that obscure your view and the images are a vibrating image of something...

You might have wondered why people will pass on an open interstate with no traffic and immediately cut in front of you. You first think they must be MAD at you. Maybe 65mph on the Interstate bothers some. Maybe you are from out of state and this driver's ex lives in that state. Forget these possible reasons for a passing car for cutting very close to your front end after passing, with plenty of distance ahead to have done it with much more space separation.

THOSE PASSENGER SIDE MIRRORS ARE THE CULPRIT. You appear much farther away in this mirror after the vehicle passes. It is even difficult to judge the actual distance when you KNOW the image is distorted.

Does anyone know WHY these mirrors are required? I would think more accidents have occurred by having these mirrors. At least next time you have a vehicle pass and they cut back into the right lane after ten feet... it might not be the driver. It is the MIRROR image.

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