AGM Batteries and Converter question

samedi 31 janvier 2015

Just took our new 2015 25' Silver Cloud FB for it's 1st outing. Love the trailer!

But a question about the standard AS converter - which I realize is a 1 stage converter - ie; boat anchor. So I definitely plan to replace it.

My long term plan is to install solar and possibly AGM batteries. recommends the PD 4655 upgrade kit for around $200. The huge positive is that this unit replaces the current unit, thereby saving space. The only downside that I see is that there is no temperature compensation option.

If you look at Lifeline's website they recommend Absorbing Voltage from 15.8V (@ 0F degrees) to 13.0V (@ 120F) and Float Voltage of 14.8V (@ 0F) to 13.0V (@ 120F).

An alternative would be to replace the AS Converter with a Xantrex Truecharge2 40amp. Positive = temperature compensation. Negative = $320+ cost AND it would be a separate unit which would take up some space.

So my question is - how sensitive are AGM batteries to temperature? ie; do they really need the temperature compensation? Will a converter with no temp compensation lessen the AGM battery life?

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