jeudi 25 décembre 2014

This is more for Newbie's pulling a trailer and leaving the highway to top off the gasoline tank.

Not all Gas Stations are created EQUAL. Saving a couple cents can cost you thousands of dollars... Not the quality of the fuel, as it usually is delivered by the same Fuel Tanker wanting to empty their tank and head back for another refill for delivery.

The Gas Station Tango is an ART and SKILL. Some stations were built on a lot not big enough to begin with. The shortage of space is taken from the width of the gas pump aisles and exits...

As you are deciding which station to pull into... consider how you are GOING TO GET OUT OF THERE first. Unless it is a truck stop with plenty of room and sometimes an area for trailer's in tow... you must be very careful which aisle of pumps you select. Otherwise you will have to back out as you cannot pull the trailer out of the aisle without knocking over some iron posts or a pump or two.

I prefer having to turn to my LEFT as my mirror is accurate compared to the passenger's side mirror and its distorted view of the real world wanting to side swipe you like a blade on a farmer's plow. I have detoured around stations that presented potential high centering while exiting (like most of those stations in Flagstaff, Arizona) or at those convenient stores where it is crowded and no room for error in clearing parked cars or pump "guards".

I also like to be on the outside left pump aisle and turn to the RIGHT. So, I am a switch hitter in that respect. But, I know in advance what I am doing. It is not "left" to chance. (I thought that funny...)

You want to WALTZ through. It takes some experience. I like the aisle of pumps that are the easiest to exit. Sometimes it is not possible as the trailer is blocking ingress and egress into the station.

When we travel, we know which gas stations or truck stops that are convenient. They are marked into our gasoline log book for the tow vehicle. Often they are outside of a town or city and less expensive. These truck stops also offer free water and grey/black water dumps. Just buy their fuel is all they ask... and they do not even monitor that.

This might seem like Common Sense to those who have driven around the World three times and made a round trip across the Pacific Ocean... but please add some paragraphs of wisdom. If you are an experienced golf player, you have to plan your shots ahead of time. Same with the seemingly simple task of refueling... but with a 16 foot or 34 foot trailer in tow... add snow, fog and fogged up sun glasses to your golf mix.

What appears simple without a trailer in tow... can give you the mistaken impression that this is "a piece of cake". It is not. Replacing ten feet of aluminum skin on an Airstream is not worth it. Also leaving your rear bumper at the Cheap Fuel Stop... is not worth it either.

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