WBCCI Little Rock Arkansas Rally

mardi 2 septembre 2014

I thought I would create a post for an upcoming WBCCI Rally in downtown Little Rock. I know there are several air forums members in Arkansas that are not members of WBCCI. If you happen to be near Little Rock during the rally stop by and say hello. I've included the schedule in this post.

Arkansas Razorback Unit of WBCCI

Fall Election Rally September 18-20, 2014

Downtown Riverside RV Park

50 Riverfront Drive, North Little Rock


(479) 646-9188 or (479) 221-2378 / 70man@cox.net

Contact the campground to make reservations - (501) 340-5312. Ask to be with the Airstreamers.


Wednesday, Sept. 17

Early parking Dinner on your own

Thursday, Sept. 18

8 a.m. to Noon -- parking

Noon -- Lunch on your own

1 p.m. to 4 p.m. -- Parking and/or discover Little Rock

4 p.m. to 5 p.m. -- Happy Hour under the pavillion - BYO beverages, snacks and chairs 5:30 p.m. -- Dinner and evening enterainment on your own

Friday, Sept. 19

8 a.m. to 9 a.m. -- breakfast provided under the pavillion - Please bring your own set-up Noon -- Lunch on your own

1 p.m. to 4 p.m. -- Tour of the Bankruptcy Courthouse (by Dana Landrum), Pulaski County

Courthouse, Old State House and Historical Arkansas Museum. (Perhaps stop at

Spokes bike shop for a cup of coffee on the way)

5:30 p.m. -- Caravan to dinner at Flying Fish, 511 President Clinton Avenue, 501-375-

3474. (All major credit cards accepted. No reservations offered.) Evening entertainment on your own

Saturday, Sept. 20

8 a.m. to 9 a.m. -- Breakfast provided under the pavillion - Please bing your own set-up 10 a.m. -- Unit Business Meeting under the pavillion. Election of officers for Oct. 1, 2014

- Sept. 30, 2015, and voting on proposed unit constitution and bylaws changes 10:30 a.m. -- Reception for officers and new members

Noon -- Lunch on your own

1 p.m. to 4 p.m. -- Tour the SOMA District (South on Main Street). Visit Loblolly Ice

Cream store, purse museum and go shopping.

5 p.m. to 6 p.m. -- Happy Hour at the Landrums’ home - 1606 S. Gaines - BYO beverages 6 p.m. -- Dinner at the Landrums’ home. They will provide main course of ribs. Bring

chairs, side dish or dessert. Evening entertainment on your own

Depart for home. Happy and safe travels to all!

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