Title: 1994 Airstream Excella 28 - Florida
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Purchased late 2012, then performed a two month renovation with maintenance.
Being stored in RV port with dehumidifier.
Pictures are missing the curtains that we ended up re-installing. I will be coming to town Oct 2-7, but it could shown/sold before then.
Body is shiny but the clear coat is becoming dull and starting to come off.
Why am I selling? We are buying a home in Massachusetts and will not be able to store on our property.
Larger items I have completed:
New hurricane rated and insulated skylight
Resealing of entire airstream
Repack/adjust bearings
Aftermarket radio with remote.
Installed swivel monitor to be viewed from anywhere in living space
All interior bulbs have been changed to LED
New flooring, Reupholstered furniture.
Upgraded to inteli-power power converter with remote
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing:
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Purchased late 2012, then performed a two month renovation with maintenance.
Being stored in RV port with dehumidifier.
Pictures are missing the curtains that we ended up re-installing. I will be coming to town Oct 2-7, but it could shown/sold before then.
Body is shiny but the clear coat is becoming dull and starting to come off.
Why am I selling? We are buying a home in Massachusetts and will not be able to store on our property.
Larger items I have completed:
New hurricane rated and insulated skylight
Resealing of entire airstream
Repack/adjust bearings
Aftermarket radio with remote.
Installed swivel monitor to be viewed from anywhere in living space
All interior bulbs have been changed to LED
New flooring, Reupholstered furniture.
Upgraded to inteli-power power converter with remote
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing:
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