Title: 1966 Airstream Safari 22 - California
We just listed our 1966 Airstream Safari for Sale on Airstream Classifieds.
Year: 1966 Make: Airstream Model: Safari Length: 22'
Medical condition is forcing me to sell. I planned to restore but now am not able. Price includes some brand new parts. New axle, 3 aluminum segments. I also have a clear title (I did all the work and paid all the back fees so you dont have to) Value over $2700 for just these parts.
I also have a YOM License plate with the correct date and an ownwers manual.
The trailer is stripped and ready to restore.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing:
We just listed our 1966 Airstream Safari for Sale on Airstream Classifieds.
Year: 1966 Make: Airstream Model: Safari Length: 22'
Medical condition is forcing me to sell. I planned to restore but now am not able. Price includes some brand new parts. New axle, 3 aluminum segments. I also have a clear title (I did all the work and paid all the back fees so you dont have to) Value over $2700 for just these parts.
I also have a YOM License plate with the correct date and an ownwers manual.
The trailer is stripped and ready to restore.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing:
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