Water on floor by bed

dimanche 27 juillet 2014

We have a 2013 FC rear bed, and on three occasions on a recent trip, we have had a puddle (maybe 1 sq ft) of water on the floor in the morning beside the bed. This is next to the water heater bypass access door and adjacent to the bathroom wall. Everything around the water heater is dry, but there is also water a little in the bathroom behind the toilet, and under the wall. At first I thought it was water above the toilet seal that have sloshed out during travel, but it's more water than normally is in the bowl. If memory serves me correctly, each time it happened the morning after emptying the tanks and filling the fresh water tank.

Any ideas? Also, I suspect the source to be behind the 45 deg panel in the corner behind the toilet. What is in there? Just a vent line, or what else?


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