Recommendations for Jackson, WY area

lundi 17 mars 2014

We started looking for sites near Jackson, WY that are preferably reservable but haven't come up with much so far. We'd like something that is close to Jackson as our plans are to stay in the area and then head into Idaho near Rigby.

We saw a few state campgrounds on the Teton Pass/Route 22 but am not familiar with them. It also looks like the sites near Jackson Lake are first come first serve and a bit further north.

We prefer state or national campground sites and are not RV park folks. We like peace and quiet and a pretty setting. We'd also be game for boon docking on public lands that are accessible. We have a 23FB. We have a generator so hookups are not required. Recommendations on nearby dump sites also welcome as well.

Thanks for any recommendations you can provide!

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