Does a 2012 19 foot flying cloud have nev-r lub bearings

lundi 17 mars 2014

I was wondering if my 2012 19 foot has nev-r lub bearings ,I haven't taken the wheels off yet to check what kind I have (it's cold here today -20 Celsius ), I have very little mileage on it maybe 3000 kilometers or 1860 miles ,I know the bearings and brakes should be checked yearly or 10000 miles but as a retired automotive tech,I have seen very little service on front taper roller wheel bearings on old rear rear drive vehicles ,we would service the bearings when we replace the brakes and machine the rotors ,this could be years for some customers and maybe 20000 to 30000 miles or more , and in the case of rear bearings( the taper roller type )on the rear of some front wheel drive cars and mini vans . I know that the trailers are used different then cars .

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