equalizer hitch setup

lundi 2 mars 2015

I have a reese WD hitch with 800# bars. I'm setting it up with a new TV, a 2009 Lexus GX470.

Per the advice in these forums, I measured the TV wheel well height unloaded. Then measured again with the trailer hooked up.

With the trailer on, I got no change on the rear wheel well height, but lost 3/4" in the front.

Does this mean I need to take some weight off the bars? I don't have any more chain on them, so this means I'd need to change the hitch ball angle (bring it forward.)

Or is this kind of measurement within bounds of "normal?" This TV does have a rear air suspension, and I could hear it turn on after I lowered the trailer onto the hitch ball. It did this without the key in the car, so I don't think there's a way to turn it off. I'm wondering whether the Lexus is compensating for the tongue weight by raising the rear suspension, and if so whether this matters for the hitch setup.


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