A new Airstream owner almost ready to hit the road!

lundi 2 mars 2015

Hi all! I am finding my way around this air forum and finally decided to put my voice out there to introduce myself. My hope is to become an active member and to contribute in all the wonderful ways the rest of you do!

I just bought a 2005 Safari which is currently living in Sausalito, CA. I am bringing it to the East Coast (CT) once all this dreadful snow melts. That means April.

Like everyone on the east coast, I truly mean it when I say I can not wait. This winter has been brutal.

It's my last winter here though! I'm taking my two boys and my wonderful partner on a year long journey throughout the US and Canada in mid July. The plan is to teach my boys life skills that school seems to always ignore, and to help them internalize important lessons about relationships, Health and Money. I am a vegan chef and a garden designer. I'm keen to find ways to incorporate teaching healthy ways of eating while out on the road. Food is always a fun way to connect with people!

I look forward to connecting with you all while on the road, or even just virtually here.

Drop me a note if you feel like it.



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