Question re battery level while dry camping

jeudi 3 juillet 2014

New owners. We recently spent 9 nights dry camping at a Vermont State Park with our 3 Small grandkids. Prior to this trip we had only camped with hookups for three weeks back in May. Water management went well as we used the park showers and restrooms. However, we had problems managing the battery level using our 1K Honda twice per day during gen hours. Each time we were only able to recharge them to 12.5 or less. We used power sparingly - only fridge and a quick flick of lights to find their pajamas. No radio, tv, chargers, fans etc. each morning the level was down to 12.0. Is this normal? Solar in our future but right now we would like to dry camp for 3 or 4 nights and the gen doesn't seem to give us enough of a charge to enable us to use anything without sending the levels below 50 percent. Advice? Incidentally, had a blast and the kids did too!

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