Title: 1989 Airstream Land Yacht 33 - North Carolina
We just listed our 1989 Airstream Land Yacht for Sale on Airstream Classifieds.
Year: 1989 Make: Airstream Model: Land Yacht Length: 33'
1989 "Squarestream" 33' Land Yacht with rear full bed. All appliances work as they should. Newly upholstered pull out sofa, dinette and head liner. This is a 25 year old trailer so it's not perfect but you will be hard pressed to find one of these rarities in this shape. I had it winterized last winter and have not done anything with her this spring. Awning shown not fully extended but it's in great shape. She's ready to take camping. Email, call or text with any questions.
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We just listed our 1989 Airstream Land Yacht for Sale on Airstream Classifieds.
Year: 1989 Make: Airstream Model: Land Yacht Length: 33'
1989 "Squarestream" 33' Land Yacht with rear full bed. All appliances work as they should. Newly upholstered pull out sofa, dinette and head liner. This is a 25 year old trailer so it's not perfect but you will be hard pressed to find one of these rarities in this shape. I had it winterized last winter and have not done anything with her this spring. Awning shown not fully extended but it's in great shape. She's ready to take camping. Email, call or text with any questions.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing:
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